Destinations and Reports
Create single or multiple copy jobs complete with reports

Add a destination
Mounted drives and volumes will be shown in the Destination panel.
Here two drives are selected to make two copies in parallel. Click Add COPY #1,2
Or Choose Other... if the destination or folder required is not in the table.
Or drag a destination folder from the Finder into the Destination table.

Destinations, reports and email
To change the destination paths click the Edit Paths... button in the main panel, then click Edit Paths again to open the Source Browser. Alternatively open the Destination tab in the Source Browser.
Folders can be automatically added to each file path when copying to each destination.
The source folder or folders dropped into the job table are called the base folders.
If the source is a drive or card then the volume name will not appear as the base. Use the volume token instead.
These optional folders are always followed by the original camera card folder structure.
Here the tokens project, date and volume will be replaced with Demo_drives, 20190102 and CFAST_027. You can choose a different date using the calendar.
There are extra tokens available, to use them type the bold text into the token path area.
The folders above the folder dropped into the job table are called the parent, grandparent and greatgrandparent folders.
For time can use buttons or hours, minutes and seconds. Years yyyy or yy. Months mm. Date dd.
YoYotta creates reports when a copy job completes. You can select ALE for Avid, CSV for use with a spreadsheet, MD5 which has all the file checksums, MHL which is an XML formatted report and a PDF with full metadata. The reports can be stored on a local drive and also saved to the destination.
Here CSV and PDF reports will be saved to the desktop, along with emails sent containing the PDF report.
Destination reports can be saved at the top level or Start of the destination drive or tape.
Select End and then the reports will be created inside the last of destination folders specified by the tokens shown above.
When writing multiple sessions to a drive or tape choose End, so that the reports are kept separate.
Optionally turn on Inside YoYotta_Reports Folder for the reports to be created inside a folder.
There are also checkboxes for project and timestamped folders for both local and destination reports.
Note that MHL reports are not put into a folder as they have relative paths inside that rely on them being alongside your archive files.
Add one or more email addresses separated by commas to receive PDF reports. If there is a problem during the copy or verification you will get an email and no reports will be generated.
There is a size limit of 18MB for PDF reports sent by email. Larger reports will just be saved.
If there is a firewall then to enable report emails allow outgoing connections to port 443

Copy of a project folder or multiple source folders
This job is going to copy from a folder called PROJECTX to a tape YY6342. The base folder is needed as part of the archive folder structure, so the destination path tokens have been set to base.
If multiple source folders are dropped in as a job then usually you will want to have base included in the path to preserve the first folder name or 'base' from each source.

Copy of a camera card or entire volume
This job is going to copy from CFAST_27 to RAID1. The destination paths have been set to project, date and volume. These optional folders are always followed by the original camera card folder structure.

Copy from a scratch folder
The job is going to copy from the source folder Files to copy to RAID3 and tape YY6342.
The destination paths have been set to project and date.
The base folder has not been included, as this is not needed as part of the archive folder structure.

Save paths and reports as a Preset
As a shortcut the path structure and report choices can be saved as a preset. The preset can then be chosen from the Edit Paths menu.
The preset always saves the destination media. When recalling a preset if there are no destinations, then those in the preset will be recalled. If you have already setup a destination then recalling the preset will leave it unchanged.

Create duplicate copies
Here the source material will be copied in parallel to DATA3 and DATA5. With multiple LTO drives you can create multiple tape copies in parallel. With just one tape drive then you will need to repeat the job with a new tape. You can also make hard drive and tape copies in parallel. Add up to eight LTO drive options to YoYotta.
All copies will run at the speed of the slowest drive. So you may want to run two separate jobs so that one copy is available before the other.
If making multiple tape copies in a single job, then the tapes should be the same generation and the drives should be the same make.
The source data is just read once, MD5 and xxHash checksums created and then is written to each destination drive in parallel. This saves a lot of time and also considerably reduces the source bandwidth required.

Two duplicate copies
COPY #1 will be written to DATA3 and COPY #2 to DATA5. When complete both destinations will contain the same files.

Spanning copy
Copy a large source by spanning across multiple drives or tapes. This job will make just one copy and will use DATA3 until it is full, then it will use DATA5. Append to COPY #1 rather than adding new media.